ECU suprised everyone in the country except for ECU fans when they beat Boise St. in the Hawaii Bowl. The Pirates finished 8-5 and Chris Johnson went crazy in setting the all time bowl record for all purpose yards-408-(receiving, rushing, returns) The word is that he moved from being a 3rd round pick next year to a 1st round pick!! So watch out Greater Greensboro Fantasy Football League...that's right next year I might have Garrard and Johnson on the same team and if I'm lucky T Copper.

Speaking of football here's a picture of myself and a few of my friends playing Madden 08 on the nintendo wii...i had no clue what I was doing, but it was awesome. The key to getting a nintendo wii in your own house is telling your wife, "honey, its excercise and we do it together as a team." or so I'm told.

We had a great first Christmas with Maddie Grace! I gave Maddie a dvd of Elmo and friends singing great country songs. I'll put up some pictures of us watching it when we watch it...I told Maddie that it is ok for her to be a country girl but not a redneck (yes, there is a big difference). Country girls like stuff like cows and horses and trucks. Redneck girls like Jack Daniels. Here is a picture of Maddie, riding her rocking dinosaur. People would ask us what Santa is giving Madison and we would tell them, "a rocking dinosaur." Most of the time people would move on to another topic of conversation because they probably thought we were crazy or they would say, "you mean a horse right?" What lil' girl would want a rocking dinosaur. Well here is a picture of Maddie's rocking dinosaur and I say, "what lil' girl wouldn't want a big lime green rocking dinosaur!"

Is this not the cutest Maddie Grace in the world!! And no, that is not Kelly's garter from our wedding.

My beautiful wife and baby on Christmas Eve. It is a Heritage tradition to eat hamburgers, hot dogs, baked beans, and other stuff on Christmas Eve at my parents' house. I guess we've doing it for a long time because I can't remember not doing it.

My dad bought my nephew a rocket from a store in Greenville and while he was there he decided to buy everybody in the family a "flying toy" So here we are in the backyard, with my flying toy. Mom, I have no idea what those red things in the trees are and watch out dad!!!
My parents gave Maddie a swing for Christmas. She usually laughs really hard when she swings but it was about 25 degrees when this video was taken and I think maybe her mouth is frozen.