We have had a very busy summer so far and here are a few highlights:
We went to Hilton Head the first week of June with Jimmy, Barbara, Wally, Emily, James, and Mary Elizabeth (my parents were on a cruise around the world and couldn't join us this year--they were literally riding camels and looking at pyramids!)
This is not a postcard, but if you ever go to Hilton Head and need a postcard we can give you copies of this picture.

Kelly and Maddie on the "Dolphin Cruise"

Pet the cow, Maddie

Maddie and I on our way to the Harbour Town pool

We stopped in Charleston, SC on our way back to visit David and Meghan Myrick and their daughter Olivia. Who would have thought that David and I would ever have daughters!

After Hilton Head, Jimmy and Barbara got married in Greenville!!

Then I took high school kids from Greensboro to Jasper, GA to a Younglife camp for a week. If you don't know where Jasper is, its near Dawsonville which is home to Bill Elliot-you know, awesome Bill from Dawsonville.

On Monday we gave Maddie her "big girl" bed! She loved it until we left the room and then she started crying, but has slept in it great for the last three days.

Maddie is going to be one great big sister.