We went to a Durham Bulls game last week for my sister-in-law's birthday. If you've never been to a Bulls game-you need to. It is by far the best minor league stadium I've ever been to (sorry Greensboro)
Here I am with my two brothers (Jimmy and Wally) wondering if we're ever gonna catch a foul ball--Jimmy actually did catch one in the 7th inning and gave it to James, our little nephew--all the girls in the stadium said, "awwww Uncle Jimmy that was so nice!"
Kelly's parents (Mama Lu and Grandaddy) came to visit us last weekend. We went to the Bog Garden to feed the ducks and look at the waterfall--another great place to take visitors in the 'Boro. Just look out for the weirdo doing some kind of crazy thing with no shirt on near the waterfall-seriously I think I was the only one that saw him but it was weird--he may have been doing some type of power yoga or something.
I've got three and a half words for you! Bright Leaf Drive-In. If you haven't been to the Bright Leaf Drive-In movie theatre in Mt. Airy, NC then I feel sorry for you. If you have a couple of minutes call this number to at least listen to their answering machine (336.786.5494)Folks, this is as red as it gets! Until I went there the other night, I could only imagine what a drive-in movie was like. My mom told me they used to get in their pajamas and my Pap and Grandma and would take them to the drive-in.

A guy at work told me they had the best hot dogs in the galaxy--he was right!
Kelly and I went with our friends, Jeff and Becca, to the Bright Leaf drive-in on Tuesday night. We got there around 9:00pm and stayed until 4:00 in the morning--we watched all three movies. Madison was with us too, but she slept the whole time.
Here is Kelly and Becca in the back of my truck watching the movie. We had room for 4 more so next time ya'll will have to come with us. We watched "Evan Almighty", "Fantastic Four", and "Knocked Up" all for $5/person total!

Wow, she is cute. Madison can't wait to see the fireworks and celebrate the 4th of July!!
Madison and her cute mom hanging out at the 4th of July cookout at Justin and Sammie's.
Madison loved the fireworks at Grimsley High School!
Hope you enjoyed the update!